A Horoscope by JK Rowling up for Sale

As a big Harry Potter fan, I have the entire collection of Harry Potter books written by the very talented JK Rowling. But I am going to tell you about another piece of writing from her, which has come up in the market. Paul Fraser Collectibles has got its hands on this horoscope that Rowling had made when she had been a struggling writer living in Edinburgh.

She was friends with of a couple who had a baby whom they christened Jack David Buchanan. So Rowling made a beautiful hand-drawn horoscope for the little Jack. It is a 12 page horoscope that contains beautiful drawings by Rowling. The cover has a fish and a lion drawn on it, representing the cusp of Pisces, the day on which he was born. Some of her predictions for the boy are, “perhaps be accident-prone, (like all Pisces) could be prone to alcoholism, and (perhaps like us all) may well fall in love with someone totally incompatible.”

So if you are a rich JK Rowling fan, then you could get this horoscope for around £25,000. As for the rest of us, I guess we will have to be satisfied with the Harry potter books only. I am not complaining.

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