A Father Buys Personalized Number Plate for £26,000 for his Daughter

Father-daughter relationship is very special and we do know fathers usually indulge daughters a lot. But 41 year old Harbhajan Bains from Sutton Coldfield has created news by buying a personalized number plate for £26,000 in an auction for his eleven year old daughter. He bought the number plate at one of the DVLA Personalized Registrations auction which is held six times a year in Great Britain.

Collecting number private registrations seems to be a passion for this man and apparently he has a collection of some 25 such plates. So his purchase of a number plate “99 A” depicting his daughter’s year of birth and her initial not surprising but price he shelled out has caught a lot of attention. In fact he sees it as a superb investment, for these personalized number plates have huge demands and their value too goes up with time.  It is ironical that in a world which is increasingly becoming globalized, personalized registrations, cell numbers, domain names etc. are becoming so exclusive and expensive.

So if you have dollars and pounds to spare and you think your near and dear ones deserve such extravagant gifts then do check out next auction of DVLA at Ardencote Manor Hotel and Country Club, Warwick to be held first week of December.

Via Birmingham Mail

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