3 in 1 Mod Looks Interesting, but Disappoints

Modder Klaus Diebel of Kiwidee must have a great imaginative spirit, especially when it comes to creating unbelievable gadgets. He has built a whimsical mod in which he has added a coffee maker, a full Mac Mini and a JBL Spot sound system, and has encased it all in an old iMac. He apparently did not even mod, and just had to fit them all in properly.

He will gladly make you one but the problem is, you will have to use an external display since the monitor does not exist any longer. Thus, I would say it is a shoddy job with great imagination. If you really want to get this, I would say you could try making one with some of the old cases yourself, and admire the lack of functionality that your creation might pose you with.

I still do not understand why chic and cool products have to be modded, as none of the modded products actually looki better than the original. Moreover, we are no geeks to play with gadgets, and most of us would rather spend money on expensive anti aging creams and botox than a couple of wires and plugs. What say folks?

Via: Techna Bob

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