$208 million U.S.S. Independence; Quite Affordable Deal For US Govt.

It was during last month only that the US Navy and General Dynamics pull the lid off the new U.S.S Independence littoral combat ship (LCS). They say the brute will cruise close to the coast and fling the imaginable lot at an adversary—from shatterproof automobiles and helicopters to missiles, torpedoes and other sundry. Plus, it can jostle at a whispered 60 knots. Essentially, it is an indication that enemy is going to have tough time evading the anger of this powerful boat, irrespective of their location. The noteworthy part is its price tag that touches an affordable range of $208 million, which is quite sparing for the US administration. Considering the level of acceptance, counted 55 models are expected to be built.

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U.S.S. Independence

U.S.S. Independence

U.S.S. Independence

Via Dvice/ Instapinch
U.S.S. Independence

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