Hotels in Scandinavian Countries Provide the Most Expensive Room Service publishes an annual “Club Sandwich Index” on its website to highlight the most expensive hotels. Now TripAdvisor has taken up a similar exercise to inform the British travelers about the most cost effective destinations. Their research shows that hotels in Helsinki charge the most for room service while those in Tunis are the most reasonable. For their survey TripAdvisor had taken a basket of five items commonly ordered on room service, namely a club sandwich, a bottle of water, single vodka, a bottle of cola and a bag of peanuts. They also added the cost of dry cleaning a single garment and surveyed the rates in 48 popular destinations.

Scandinavian countries were found to be the most expensive as a region. Helsinki was the most expensive with Oslo coming a close second. Stockholm and Copenhagen which came at number 5 and 10 respectively also made it to the top ten most expensive. The hotels in Helsinki charge as much as £22.84 and the total for the basket of products surveyed came to £53.25 on average. In sharp contrast, a club sandwich in hotels in the Tunisian capital costs £4.16, on average. The other items in the basket are also priced reasonably there with water costing £1.10, and a vodka and coke is priced at £2.74. The cost of the basket of products surveys adds up to only £11.03 at hotels in the Tunisian capital.

Room Service in Luxury Hotels

The products surveyed are reasonably priced in hotels of Cape Town, Budapest, Prague and Marrakesh also. London hotels were out of the top ten on the list with costs adding up to £31.66 for the items. There is a perception amongst travelers that the London hotels are the most expensive in the world but according to the survey London was found to be a cheaper option when compared to cities like New York, Paris and Tokyo. If you club the average room rates with the room service orders then the list changes and Jakarta becomes the most cost effective destination where as New York becomes the priciest. Surveys of this nature are very informative and help the international frequent traveler.

Via: telegraph

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