The Sleek Rolls Royce 450EX Yacht Tender Concept Has Been Created by a Design Student

Rolls-Royce 450EX yacht tender concept is a sleek design and it is difficult to believe that it is the work of a design student who created it as his year end project. Designer Stefan Monro was studying Transport Design at Coventry University and had joined Rolls Royce for a six month internship program and he was lucky that the auto brand immediately threw projects and interaction his way. The stunning design of the yacht tender cam to him after completing the internship in the summer of 2012 and it so impressed the auto brand that Monro was hired by them immediately as a Bespoke designer.

Yacht Tender with a Sleek Design

The Auto and Yacht Industry Can Work Together

The opportunity for Monro was exciting and the exposure was invaluable for the upcoming designer as it gave him and inside view of the auto industry. It gave him the opportunity to learn the requirement of the brand and their focus and attention to detail. He also felt the pressure of being in a position where he could influence the final look of the most luxurious automobile in the world. His design of the yacht tender has brought the auto and yacht industry together and opened doors for future partnerships. The imaginative designer has successfully brought in recognizable Rolls-Royce brand details to an existing hull without using any literal car features.

Seats Like a Luxury Car

The Concept Might Not be Taken Up for production

The 450EX which is 45 feet long features four executive seats featuring the Rolls Royce logo and two pilot seats. The configuration of the seats resembles that of a luxury car. The tender also features a bathroom. The understated design of the tender makes it recognizable as Rolls Royce. Now in his job as a Bespoke designer at Rolls Royce he is able to combine customer requests with their auto model of choice. He will however, be able to contribute to the yacht industry as well because he believes that the yacht market and luxury automotive market share many of the same interests and client base. The design is not associated with Rolls Royce officially and so the concept might not be taken up for commercial production.

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