$233,000 iPod Supreme From Stuart Hughes May Be The World’s Most Expensive

Frank Lampard just came out with his signature range of Gold iPod Touch in support of cancer victims and this time we have news of another gold iPod. UK based designer Katherine Hughes is back this time with the iPod Supreme which is being claimed to be the most expensive iPod Touch around at the time.

The iPod Supreme would certainly prove to be the most elusive iPod for quite some time because only three pieces of the model have been created. Each unit is adorned 149gms of 22 carat gold giving it the appearance of a sleek bar of pure gold. On the back case is the Apple logo done up in 53 diamonds and the outer section of the iPod is further splattered with 300 more diamonds.

The main navigation has also been pimped up with a pink diamond of 2.1 carat and a dozen more diamonds. The iPod Supreme is worth $233,000 and is available only from Stuart Hughes. The world’s most expensive iPod will come in a white lacquered wood box, the insides of which has been upholstered with Porsche Nappa leather.

Via: StuartHughes
ipod supreme

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