Ever thought a bike could function as a paraglide? Well, here it is, the Airbike. The Airbike is a concept which works on the pedal powered propulsion and is an ergonomic and ingenious solution to the pedal powered flight. You would just need to p4edal in between and you would rise up in the air like a bird would. It is lightweight and quite safe and you could use this in open spaces and have a lot of fun.
You would just need to keep cycling and the more you pedal the further you would go. It comes in three different models. The first one is a pedal only model that looks pretty exciting for purists. The second is a combination of pedal and petrol/electric power.
The third one uses only conventional power without any pedaling involved. I would say, just go for this cool Airbike if you can get one. You would need to contact the manufacturers for more information about availability and price. However, remember it is a concept!