Diamond and Kalashnikov Bullet-studded Belts by Akillis Send Shivers Down Your Spine!

Generally speaking, fashionable waist belts should enhance the personality and confidence of the wearer.  They come in various, shapes with pockets, styles, and sizes, which accentuate the curves of the wearer. It does not matter whether you wear exactly on waist or lower on your hip, exposing sometimes the underwear and butt.

They help not only to keep important personal belongings of a woman during their journey but also serve the purpose of complementing her apparels.   The luxury brand Akillis has  come up with a cool, classic unique  design for waist belts . This jewellery brand has created  a luxury waist belt made of alligator skin, and a buckle  from empty kalasnikov rifle bullets studded with diamonds .

Chief executive of  Akillis, Caroline Gaspard, revealed that she is a great admirer of movies related to gangsters and spies and she took inspiration from them to create such unique,  glittering, and chic belts. For the wealthy clients of Akillis, it is a proud possession to show off.  Already three of the diamond studded waste belts with the aligator leather have been sold by the French jewellery brand. It is priced at about $55,650,(40,000 pounds).

Via: Professional Jeweller

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