It becomes really quite tedious when you have to get your butt off the comfortable sofa and sit at your worktable every time you want to use the system, even when all you desire is surfing for pleasure or checking out a new game.
Not to worry because furniture makers know just how much their customers enjoy the comforts of soft cushions and feel-great leather at all times. The Athena is a stylish sofa which has a computer into its arm. The plush upholstered sofa may appear to have a minimalistic design but is far from this. The integrated computer is capable of all desired functions and can even connect with multi-room systems to handle all media applications. This is your chance to have your TV, computer and comfort chair all in one package.
The Athena definitely has all the luxuries but it is strictly meant for the lucky few of the population. And if you think you’re one of them, then you can treat your behind to the luxury of this at $15,436.
Via: BornRich/Artanova