Moto, one of America’s Top Ten Most Expensive Restaurant, hands over a Bill of $60K

The Moto restaurant in Chicago, is slated as being a part of America’s top ten most expensive restaurant. It recently handed over a bill of $60,000 to one of its guests. Yes you heard it right, a whopping $60,000 and not to a large group of family and friends but only two persons who were visiting this very fancy restaurant in Chicago! With such a huge bill, Moto sure lived up to its most expensive restaurant tag. But don’t you all find it a bit weird that how much the two people must have ordered to run a maddening bill like that? Did they by any chance ask for the most expensive wine available at the restaurant or tasted every little bit of whatever was available on the menu.

We know your head might be spinning with confusion so it’s time that we spill the beans for you. It was actually a gag played by the restaurant. Yes, a prank on some their visitors. Let’s give you some more insights into this rather amusing and hilarious account of the Moto restaurant.

Moto, the Most Expensive Restaurant, plays a $60K Bill Gag

The prank was the idea of the restaurant owner, Homaro Cantu and Richie Farina, the restaurant Chef, who was also a contestant on the reality cooking show Top Chef. Just when Chris Crary and Grayson Schmitz, also contestants of the popular show Top Chef entered the restaurant, Homaro Cantu and Richie Farina, decided to pull the legs of their visitors and also fellow contestants from the show. What followed was a laugh riot and humrous enough to make it to America’s funniest videos! After Chris Crary and Grayson Schmitz finished their meals they were handed a cheque with a jaw dropping amount.

They were charged a staggering $16,000 for only “water pouring” and also $3000 for “flirting with the cat”. Well, if that was not enough then Chris Crary and Grayson Schmitz also had to pay $5168 for “table relocation” and $1000 for “harassing the chef”! The by now baffled visitors also had to pay $600 for carpet cleaning. We can only imagine the look on the faces of Chris Crary and Grayson Schmitz. They sure were being charged heavily for enjoying a meal at a restaurant which is amongst the top ten most expensive restaurants in America. It would have come as huge relief to both of them that they only have to pay for what they ordered and not for flirting with the cat or harassing the chef. Well, we can only hope that Cantu does not make us a victim of his many pranks when we visit the Moto next.

About Moto, the Most Expensive Restaurant

Located at Fulton Market in Chicago, the Motto restaurant, excels in molecular gastronomy. It is the owner’s Moto to be “artistic”,”innovative” and “thought provoking” and therefore creates the most amusing meals in Chicago. A little bit of science is applied to the meals and then they are given a little artistic touch. He has brought alive the very concept of food engineering and the meals they create are truly revolutionary. It is also known for its edible menus!

Via Chicagoist


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