The Nike Vintage Book, a Paperback Edition Released in Japan

The Nike Vintage Book has been released. It gives you a detailed look at the Brand’s history. It doesn’t simply chronicles the history of the brand but puts together through photographs the brand’s iconic apparel and footwear from the 1970s and 1980s. If you were a kid growing up during that period, the book can make you feel nostalgic and remind you of the Nike you had then. You can also get a feel of where the inspiration for the ‘Vintage’ style sneakers, Nike is releasing, comes from.

It is a paperback print edition. The Nike Vintage Book was released exclusively in Japan. The exclusive publication has content only in Japanese but some of the major headlines are in English to make the navigation simpler. It has made its way to the Japanese newsstands and is currently on sale. The exclusive publication is also available on Amazon Japan. The paperback hopes to connect in a big way to the Japanese consumer and make them understand what the brand stands for and how it has grown and evolved over the decades.

The Nike Vintage Book is a collector’s item if you are an avid collector of sneaker-related publications. The new publication will make a great addition to your collection. It is a paperback museum that details extensive Nike history of footwear and apparel, going back to the Nike Pre-Montreal. It gives you a thorough history lesson on Nike Sportswear from decades ago. From the looks of it the publication will receive a good response from the consumers. We can expect similar publications from the brand in other languages for the other markets as well.

Via: psfk, think.bigchief

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