Most Expensive Holiday Vacation Available on

Most expensive trip round the world is currently on sale on the site It is a site developed on the Gilt model and has grown as a prominent British luxury retailer. They have tied up with the London based luxury travel agency Hurlingham Travel and have created the most expensive vacation and a never before itinerary that covers every single UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is a tour that will go through 157 countries and some of the most expensive cities and cost as much as $1.5 million for a couple. This luxury tour is no doubt the most ambitious ever planned and will be your most expensive vacation if you opt for it.

World Heritage Site Believes it to be the Most Remarkable Travel Adventure

There have been no takers for the offer so far and so there is no feedback available about the kind of experience the tour would offer. The concept is definitely interesting. The idea of visiting Angkor Wat, the Pyramids, Machu Picchu, the Bikini Atoll Nuclear Test Site, the Zollverein Coal Mine Industrial Complex, Wood Buffalo National Park and even the D.F. Wouda Steam Pumping Station in one grand tour is certainly exciting. Andrew Barker, managing director of Hurlingham Travel believes that it is the most remarkable travel adventure they have ever devised and is confident about delivering an exciting and unforgettable experience to the travelers.

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The Travelers Will Fly Business Class and Stay in Best Hotels

They have planned the trip as a premium luxurious trip. The travelers opting for this tour will be flown business class where ever available and booked into the best and most expensive hotels like Sandy Lane in Barbados, the Hotel George V in Paris, The Plaza in New York, the Cipriani in Venice, The Ritz-Carlton in Moscow and the Taj Mahal Palace in Mumbai. There are a total of 962 sites that have been recognized by Unesco. Some of the sites located in places like Aleppo, Pasargadae in Iran, Leptis Magna in Libya, and the Yemeni capital, Sana’a will be difficult to travel to because of the unstable political conditions prevailing there. However Hurlingham is confident that they can make the necessary arrangements if you actually want to travel to those places. You can visit their site to find out more details and may be go through some other extravagant offers.

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Via: huffingtonpost, telegraph

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