The Rich Kids Demographic of Instagram Attracts Luxury Brands

The new Tumblr blog Rich Kids of Instagram is making an impact. It is evident from the photographs that the site is generally being used by the super rich kids and the photographs highlight their jet setting moments. And these young globe trotters have many of them. Instagram is one of the top mobile apps that is rapidly creating a space for itself but is way behind the social media giants and their presence in the digital space. However Instagram can be leveraged by luxury brands as it appeals to the rich who are photographing everything and sharing it on the site. You will find a range of high end articles on the site including cappuccinos, fancy desserts, designer shoes, cocktails, exotic vacation destinations, and the like.

40% of Interbrand 100 Are on Instagram

It has naturally attracted the top end brands to the mobile application and are signing up one after the other to become visible to the users who are largely their target audience. It is this group who are already their customers or are their potential customers. With increasing interest of the luxury brand in the application a company called Simply Measured conducted a study to find where Instagram stands and which are the brands that are using the application to increase their visibility. The study has revealed that about 40% of the Interbrand 100 are already on Instagram. Brands like Burberry, Tiffany & Co. Hermès, Gucci, and Armani and cater to the rich kid demographic have taken the lead in joining the application and are receiving a good response from the users.

Instagram Becoming Brand Friendly

If you compare Instagram to platforms like Twitter and Facebook and the kind of brand attention they receive then you will realize that the application has a long way to go. But at the same time one must admit that it has done rather well for a mobile only application in its two years of existence. It is highly likely that Instagram will start catering more to these brands. Once it is fully absorbed into Facebook it may become even more brand friendly. But it will be interesting to see where they draw the line as they would never like to alienate their consumer user base.

Via: techrunch

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