Elipson Introduces State Of The Art Designer Luxury Soundtree Speakers

From one of the foremost names in luxury speaker systems, Elipson, comes an all new stunningly gorgeous and quite unique speaker system in the form of the all new Soundtree Speakers. This brilliantly crafted speaker set has been designed in the shape of a tree that enables the Soundtree to be hanged all across roof of your living room. This magnifincet and highly creative design has been the brainchild of Maurizio Galante, Tal Lancman and Jean Yves Le Porcher, while providing exceptional audio quality along with great aesthetics. The Soundtree Speakers carry an elegance and creative aura that in this age of technology has become quite rare. Providing the users with numerous customization options, these speakers from Elipson can be accommodated in a variety of places ranging from dining rooms to personal rooms.

The marvelous Soundtree Speakers from Elipson have been designed in a manner that they provide the users with the freedom of selecting the number of speakers in a specific ambiance. Meaning that you can now opt to make use of only the desired number of speakers in your rooms instead of installing the entire set. The main ‘trunk’ of the Soundtree Speakers has been given an 8 inch driver sub-woofer that enhances low frequencies. The speakers on this gorgeous speaker system are spherical in shape and designed to bring the best of medium and high range frequency  sounds. Each of the speakers individually carry 30W of power the Soundtree Speakers come with  4-inch coaxial drivers. The speakers can be arranged in a configuration of six to twelve speakers on the ceiling and the entire set carries a price tag of a whopping $20,664.

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