Gilt Groupe Announces Launch of Park & Bond, a Luxury Retail Site for Men

Gilt Groupe has always managed to stay ahead of increasing competition by adding innovative offerings targeted at specific buyer groups. They have established themselves as the most innovative online shopping destination. They have announced the launch of its standalone luxury retail site for men, PARK & BOND. The new site is a combination of a selection of some of the world’s top brands with a continuously updated editorial content. It aims to not only advise but inspire the men to look their best at all times and on all occasions.

The site has been built from scratch to reflect the way men shop. John Auerbach, President is personally leading PARK & BOND and has created a strong team for the new site that includes divisional merchandising manager Brooke Cundiff; head of editorial and creative Tyler Thoreson; director of editorial content Andy Comer; style director Josh Peskowitz; and head of business operations Brian Shaw. The site caters to the needs and wants of American male luxury customer and it is designed to provide a unique one stop shopping experience.

The name of the site is a combination of two of New York’s most stylish streets — Park Avenue and Bond Street. The site is being launched with over 100 brands including Alexander McQueen, Isaia, Etro, Paul Smith, N.Hoolywood, A.P.C., Thom Browne, Thomas Pink, Todd Snyder, Vince, Theory, Common Projects, Brooks Brothers, and Florsheim by Duckie Brown.  PARK & BOND is committed to the art of assembling various elements into a cohesive look and will allow men to shop complete looks by occasion. This site is sure to further increase Gilt Groupe’s reach and expand its customer base.

Via: prnewswire

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