The Rabbit Island Project Inspires Artists to Create Eco-friendly Work

Rabbit Island is a forested island of 90 acres, located in the midst of one of the largest fresh water bodies in the world.  Unspoiled nature is really a challenge for an artist, as we continue to live in polluted, overpopulated, resource dwindling, and changed interaction with the environment some creative artist focused on unique project. In Rabbit Island, the aim is to bring a collaboration between specialists and artists in all fields such as sculptors, composers or poets, to turn ecological issues into aesthetic ones and to build unique future artist residencies.

Just a year ago, Gorski was able to acquire a remote forested rabbit land under the privilege of environmental protection located away from the coast of Michigan. The duo, Rob Gorski and Andrew Ranville have already begun building cabins, and their goal is to raise funds through the project Kickstarter to setup temporary homes for artists.

The goal of building residencies is to make artists perfect in their skills, and they can get inspiration by the nature.  His artist friend Ranville and he built a cabin using locally available materials served as an art studio. Any studio or house gives opportunity to the artists like sculptors, painters, artists, and photographers to live and interact with the environment. The Rabbit Island inspires them concept of conservation. The Rabbit Island is surrounded by Lake Superior, which is a part of Upper Peninsula of Michigan State. Its beauty and remote area is a contrast to the automotive industry of the city. The Rabbit Island Kickstarter funding will be used for supplies, solar panels and tools, and to build up the residency.

Via: Treehugger

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