Luxury Hotel Introduces Menus for Guests with Specific Dietary Conditions

If you suffer from specific dietary conditions, eating out could be tricky. Michael De Cicco, a public relations executive in New York cannot eat foods with gluten in them because he has celiac disease. In addition he is also allergic to shellfish. He cannot avoid eating out as he has to travel on business regularly. Because of his condition he has become passionate about gluten-free dining and he now maintains a blog about it,

Whenever he dines out, De Cicco always speaks to the server or the restaurant manager to make sure that he is not served any dish with gluten or shellfish in it. It has become a habit with him now. He says that identifying the appropriate dishes “is just about asking the right questions and making the right choices.”

Fairmont Hotels and Resorts based in Toronto, last week introduced a new series of menus in their chain, specially created for people not only with celiac disease but also diabetes and heart disease, as well as for guests on macrobiotic, raw and vegan diets. The new menus have been named Lifestyle Cuisine Plus. It has been developed locally under the guidance of Katya Baxter, a San Francisco-based nutrition consultant. A software from Axxya Systems allows the chef to customize dishes and menus according to guests’ caloric and nutritional requirements.

Via: msnbc.msn

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