Luxury Dog Hotel and a Non-profit Dog Home: A One Man Show in Chicago

When you last saw a dog on the street gnarling and baring his teeth at you, you might have wanted to call the animal euthanizers, so that he could be put to sleep. However, there are many people who would like to think otherwise, and believe that even the fiercest dogs deserve a second chance.

One such person is Mr. Michael Heltzer, who happens to be a dog lover and also the owner of a luxury dog hotel, and a non profit organization that finds fierce dogs a home to stay. Now, most dogs are abandoned because of behavioural problems and because of aggressive nature. In 2005, he sold his successful furniture business (which he took up after ditching corporate law career in the 1980s) and started a luxury dog hotel called Stay.

It was built on the 45,000-square-foot factory on the Chicago River. The luxury hotel Stay offers rooms and larger “suites” equipped with bedding, blankets and toys, as well as a 12,000-square-foot indoor day care centre and also a fitness area and a grooming salon. The Found, a non-profit, no-kill shelter for dogs that have been destined to be euthanized has been started at this very place, alongside the luxury hotel. He must really love dogs to have gone such an extent by even considering aggressive and violent dogs, and trying to train them into normal behaviour. You could read more about his luxury dog hotel and the non-profit foundation Found here.

Via: Chicago Tribune

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