Mullin Automotive Museum Flaunts the Most Expensive Car In the World!

This busty Bugatti will now be gracing the Mullin Automotive Museum in Oxnard, thanks to Dr. Peter Williamson, who decided to sell this car for a whooping $30-40 million, making it the most expensive car of the recent times. Bugatti Type 57SC Atlantic was built in the year 1936 and in 1971 it was purchased by Dr. Peter Williamson, since then it has been one of his treasured possessions.

Though the museum authorities didn’t let out a word, but rumor has it that this car was bought for $30-40 million and is by far the most expensive car, not only in the museum but in the whole world. The original price of the car is $59,000 and the steep rise in its value clearly speaks for its importance in the market, after all such pieces are rare to find.

This car has a few other feathers in its hat as well like the Best of Show Award won by this car in the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance event held in the year 2003. The founder of the museum is ecstatic with joy to have it in his museum as it may put this museum on the map and increase it pomposity. 

via: jalopnik


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