Marilyn’s iconic gown for auction at Hollywood Auction June10-12, 2010

A great auction is about to begin. The iconic gown that Marilyn Monroe wore in the sequence ‘Diamonds are a girl’s best friend’ from the movie ‘Gentlemen prefer blondes’ is up for auction at 3 million dollars Hollywood Auction starting June 10 and ending on June 12, 2010.

The auction also includes the following: Margaret Hamilton’s “Wicked Witch of the West” hat from the Wizard of Oz, Elvis Priestley’s stage used guitar that he gave to director Norman Taurog, Darth Vader’s light saber from the famous Star Wars Episode V1- Return of Jedi, an X-Qing Fighter filming miniature from Star Wars, A screen used animatronics Predator mask and costume from Predator 2, collection of stop motion puppets and props from Tim Burton’s ‘A nightmare before Christmas’, Jonny Depp’s Scissor hands from the movie Edward Scissor hands, a Jeannie bottle from ‘I dream of Jeannie’.

Auctioned also will be Harrison Ford’s personal script from Raiders of the Lost Ark with over 1300 word penned by Ford himself, Y-Winf Fighter filming miniature form Star Wars, H.R Giger hero screen used alien creature hear from Alien, Michael Keaton’s bath suit from Batman returns, Marilyn Monroe test footprints and signature set in cement from Grauma’s Chinese Theater and Hero illuminating laser rifle from the original Lost Space TV series.

Gear yourself for this fabulous auction ever!

via profileinhistory

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