Oxyfit: Portable Oxygen Supply to Keep You Healthy!

For anybody who has done studied science in third grade knows how vital is Oxygen for the survival of a human being. And owing to man’s ever present need for more and better, he has conveniently soiled every element of nature including the atmosphere which has resulted in lower than 20% level of the lifeline gas, oxygen. The Oxyfit Portable Oxygen Supply claims to boost this reduced oxygen level to 30% and thus maintain the wearer in the best of health and spirits.

The white backpack like structure is light and help the user battle fatigue and other perils of reduced oxygen level in the polluted air around him. Since the problem of obesity is kind of pandemic, Oxyfit can help in reducing weight because an increased oxygen supply speeds up one’s metabolism which burns more calories and helps in fat loss. Another selling points picked by the makers are enhanced brain power and anti-ageing benefits owing to augmented oxygen levels.

The Advanced electronic oxygen generation pack (Impressive name, isn’t it?!) will burn a hole in your wallet with a price of $2681. The contents include oxyfit unit, remote, oxygen tube, aspirator, battery pack, charger and tote bag. The only flipside is when you’re paying over $2000 for something like this, you’d expect instructions to be in English as well, but all one has here is Japanese.

Via FashionablyGeek

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