Valentine’s Day: A Proposal that Costs $10,000

One of the biggest lies constructed by the society is the institution of marriage and also the system of engagement ceremonies. It is good business really, with many people spending hundreds to thousands of dollars for that “special” proposal. It is one of those silly customs that people follow religiously only to realize later that the engagement was probably a bad decision, and if they were unlucky enough to proceed towards marriage, that proposal was a death knell.

However, since the demand for that “special proposal” will never cease to end, hotels, and jewellers are always coming up with creative ideas to fool people into getting married. One such creative business venture is the $10,000 Proposal Martini, which has been put forward by Algonquin Hotel. It is the most expensive martini ever, for it comes with that annoying diamond ring in it served by a waiter who wears white gloves at the hotel’s famous Blue Bar.

You could pick up the stone size, the design etc, and would need to let them know about it 72 hours in advance. It even comes with a New York Proposal, which would let you spend a night at Trump Hotel Collection properties and have dinner at Jean Georges restaurant. Of course, it all sounds good and when you opt for it would feel good too. However, reality strikes hard when you learn you are married and gett8ing old and can’t get laid often.

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