Elizabeth Holik Creates Companion Grade Cocoon Chairs

When was the last time you came home and desired for someone to welcome you with open hands? Well, if you have a loving boyfriend or a girlfriend, that would not be a great thing to ask for but if you are a lonely soul with no one to welcome you, you would have to depend on inanimate objects like the Cocoon Chair. Cocoon Chair has been designed by Elizabeth Holik.

She is a designer from Albany, New York and her exceptionally intelligent design of Cocoon Chair aims at creating furniture that has life in it. The Cocoon Chair will let you snuggle into it, it puts ‘arms’ around you, keeps you warm, make you feel secure and comfortable. It may also look a little creepy to some people as it looks so human like.


In any case, these Cocoon Chairs are loving pieces of furniture that create a sense of companionships without any living objects. In fact, when you reach home, the Cocoon Chair will extend its arms and hug you and you can bask in solace and peace. You could contact the designer for more information.

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1 Comment

  • What a wonderful chair, I want that chair, having boyfriend or not I still wish to get that chair :)

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