Deck Up the Skull with Swarovski

It has been a known fact that human beings have been trying to reconcile with the phenomenon of life and death for ages. The desire to be immortal has led to many new inventions in the field of science and technology. Artists deal with this trauma in an entirely new form- by creating a piece of work that remains immortal even after they are no more. Swarovski designer Quinn Gregory has decided to fight with his destiny by creating a rare piece of art that he wants to be remembered for. He came up with the idea of making Swarovski-studded skulls when he was diagnosed with a fatal heart disease. So, he turned to this art to deal with the realities of death and the inexpressible aura surrounding it.

Perhaps he was taking inspiration from Yeats who wrote about the golden immortal bird. Gregory has taken a hollow skull of a woman and given artistic life to an inanimate skull.

He has decorated the skull with white Swarovski crystals and redone the eyes with blue sapphires. The price for these rare beauties start with $3,000 and have more than 8000 Swarovski pieces on each hear.

Swarovski skull

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