Virtual Mirror To Replace Trial Rooms!

The hullabalo created by men of woman being addicted to shopping is an overt sign of their being envious and a way to hide their unfashionable personae. But ask we woman what all pain we undergo to meet our shopping spree. And upon entering a designer showroom, the aching thought of trying outfits after chasing an unending queue outside trial room almost kills us.

But still hope infuses life into us and we finally rush into the changing room. But within no time, we find ourselves amidst rows of designer dresses and this time picking quite a few with a strong conviction that time we would surely fit in one of those. But no….hot dogs, pasta and other junk food we have had in past is now showing its colors demanding us to look for a size bigger than the last tried. And the process continues until we could manage to find our kind of dress.

Will you believe me that now you don’t have to follow this routine and dull exercise at the same time assuring that you are investing $$$$ for a right outfit. Yes, this would be soon possible via virtual mirror that is expected to shun the need of a trial room.

The ‘Virtual mirror’ enables you see yourself wearing the to-be-picked outfits without even putting off your clothes. Here you go: Put on the T-shirt given by the magic mirror machinist and then opt the design by inserting the particular design insignia on the T shirt. The exhibit then trails the movement of the wearer and records the design of the new attires via its logo and portrays the outlines precisely on the wearer to give the mirror-iamge of what he/she is wearing. Currently, the Virtual Mirror is finding it difficult to produce a pragmatic inkling of T-shirts, shirts or sweaters in an implicit mirror. The technology doing the needful uses composite algorithms to generate 3D images in real-time giving the delusion that the wearer has really put those clothes on.

Via NewLaunches / Physorg
Virtual Mirror

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