Chloe SA22 Paddington Satchel Leather Handbag

The designer hand bags by renowned stylists in the fashion industry are the cravings of every person who pays attention to style. I just adore the hand bags which are designed by Chloe. Even, the Gucci hand bags are really adorable. These bags looks so stylish and trendy that you can’t actually find anything that can ever match them.

This green colored hand bag is really a bag which I could look at for minutes without diverting my mind to any other bag. This is the one which I am now thinking of buying because it is so beautiful and also because I don’t have any bag of the same color.

Chloe SA22 Paddington Satchel

Moreover, the bag is made from calf-skin leather which actually ensures the softness of the product. The hardware of the product is given the silver tone which enhances the whole appearance of the bag. The pocket at the front along with a buckle is actually very striking. I just like the designing and the style of the bag so much so that I would not think of the price. What more can you wish if you are getting the bag at discounted prices? The original price is $1,899.0, while after discount; you can buy it online for $999 from designersimports. So, it is really not a bad deal. Hurry up!

Via DesignersImports

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