Elite Timepiece: Alfa Romeo Contagiri

An Italian designer named Giuliano Mazzuoli is fond of Alfas. He possesses quite a pool of them. Lately he is in news for designing some wonderful watches, remarkably the Manometro. Mazzuoli’s newest conception, the Contagiri has not got a go-ahead signal from the designer and is still in process. At present you can place a pre-order for one of the 500 models top hit the market soon. No specific information about the price is available but roughly the timepieces would range from $3,500 to $25,000. The Contagiri was first publicized in summer to the selected audience and is dipped in white and black gold bearing a black rubber wrist strap. It also features a sapphire crystal with a rotating bezel.

Via EdMunds
Alfa Romeo Contagiri

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