Yusuf Muhammed’s Yu Type is Meant For Non Pro Typists

If you were the kind of person who does not know how to type in the fashion typists do, you must perhaps check out Yusuf Muhammad’s Yu Type. It is a concept, which can be kept just above the keyboard to make sure you do not have to lift your head and see the monitor every time you would want to type and see what has already been typed. The product is obviously for those who type with two fingers and those who do not know how to type properly.

Yusuf Muhammed is a student of the Royal College of Arts and knows exactly what it is like to not know how to type efficiently but having to use the computer very often. The event was hosted by Toyota and Yusuf has received a lot of acclaim all over the net and specially from two finger typists like me. I regret this design is still a concept and is not yet a product.

We currently do not have any information about the Yu Type being mass manufactured. Also, we do not know when the product would be released and how much it would cost. In any case, I am sure there would be a number of takers for such a cool design.

Via: Toyota/Gizmag

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