If you were wondering what the future of social networking is going to be, well, it is soon going to turn wearable. You would no longer have to login to a boring account but you could just wear it on your clothes and the device or wearable social networking gadget will let you know if one of your friends passes by. OSMO Custom Social Network Wearable comes with customized clothing with a uniquely smart and improvised flex-image fabric.
It keeps you connected to your network always and you would always be alive in the network without ever going offline. It communicates through Loopt and iPhone and detects your friends and acquaintances even in huge crowds. If you were actually spying on someone, this would be a great thing to wear and catch the culprit red handed.
It is of great help for those who have cheating partners. It is a scary situation indeed, being known where you are buy everyone in your network. I would not buy this for reasons of security and privacy.
Via: CreatingSpace