Vieux Cognac Two Centuries Old Rakes in $ 36,935

Would you actually pay a whopping $ 36,935 for a bottle of Cognac? If you had a fancy for ancient wines, and had those oodles of cash to splurge, of course you would!

Ancient, because hardly any other words can get close to describing a bottle of 1788 Vieux Cognac. The bottle, whose dating history takes it back to as early as 1788, a year before the French revolution, was part of a sale of 18,000 bottles from Paris’ Tour d’Argent.

The restaurant is known to host one of the best global wine cellars. From the sale of the Cognac that went under the hammer, the restaurant is said to have donated money to a French charity called Association Petits Princes. Apparently the organization grants the wishes of ailing children.

The total sales figure will be announced later Tuesday, after the two-day sale by the Paris auction house ends. Even so, the five figure income after a clean out exercise by any retail outlet could be the most rewarding for a restaurant owner ever.

What is interesting is that despite the auction, the restaurant still has 4,32,000 bottles stacked floor to ceiling in a succession of caverns.

Via: msnbc
Vieux Cognac

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