VeryFirstTo Releases the World’s Most Expensive Wreath

VeryFirstTo, the website which is credited with some truly exceptional new launches of luxury products and experiences, has launched the world’s most expensive Christmas wreath costing almost £3 million. However, like most of the most expensive articles it is also embellished with precious stones. Created by the renowned Finnish Floral Designer, Pasi Jokinen-Carter, the wreath features 16 rubies and 32 diamonds totaling over 138 carats. The luxury site has listed the unique wreath for a cool £2,835,000. It is a 60 cm wreath that has been made up from some of the most luxurious flowers and leaves in the world. The designer has even sourced some of the flowers and stems from his own country hose in Finland as they are not available in the UK commercially.

Pasi Jokinen-Carter Has Created the Exclusive Wreath

Pasi Jokinen-Carter is renowned the world over for his extraordinary work and boasts of a client portfolio that that would be the envy of any designer. Royal households, country clubs, galleries, and film and TV production houses are his regular clients. Talking during the launch he admitted that he is passionate about his work and the opportunity to create an exclusive wreath with natural materials and diamonds excited him. It was a one of a kind and an exceptional project that allowed him to experiment and try something new. The diamonds for the wreath was provided by 77 Diamonds. They are the largest traders of diamonds and control over 70% of the world’s finest polished diamonds.

World's Most Expensive Wreath

The Stones in the Wreath are Removable

The exclusive wreath because of its natural flowers will last only for twelve days and so the cost per day would work out to a whopping £236,250 per day. However, the precious stones embedded in the wreath are removable and can be saved for use next year. In case you don’t want to repeat the concept next year 77 Diamonds can mount them into a bespoke designed piece of jewelry. They are offering it as a complimentary service. Marcel Knobil founder of VeryFirstTo is delighted and proud of this new creation and concept. It consolidates their position as the creators of new and exceptional luxury products and experiences. The site will be making a donation of £1,000 to The Prince’s Trust against the sale of the wreath.
Via: dailymail

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