It was a great co-incidence of sorts to witness two great big cruise liners beside each other at the Sydney Harbor and the crowd also had a great sight. The Queen Elizabeth and the Queen Mary 2 were at the Sydney Harbor at the same time. It was a rare dual queen-size stopover at Sydney Harbor. A long time ago when these two big queens came to the harbor at the same time was in 1941 when the Cunard ships were forced into war service. This time when the two ships crossed each other they sounded their horns as a greeting and the crowd was thrilled to see this. The third ship in the Cunard line is the Queen Victoria that is right now visiting Hawaii. The last time all three Queens were together was last month in New York for a great photograph when they sailed past Manhattan to the Statue of Liberty. Sydney bears a huge traffic jam when these beautifully huge cruise ships come together at the Harbor and hence Sydney authorities closed down the roads and requested people to use the public transport. Since it has happened once in 2007 they are not taking any more chances.
Two Luxury Cruise Queens At Sydney Harbor