The World’s Most Expensive NES Game Sold for $41,300

We have always talked about how expensive golden tables are, and how expensive diamond studded chairs are. It is not common for a blog like us to talk about video games for it takes a lot of effort for us to talk about something geeky. However, you would be surprised to know that an NES game recently fetched $41,300 on the eBay. Stadium Events has thus become the most expensive game to be sold for NES.

Apparently, there are 200 more copies in the world which could be used to get a great price too. If you have a Stadium Events with you, you really should be thinking about going to the nearest auction house and get the game auctioned. Who knows, it just might turn you into the millionaire you always wanted to be.

I am not sure if you would like to spend so much of money on a game, for I certainly would not and instead you could spend on something like a great car or a bike, for you get to do something with them, instead of gaining fat and growing ugly. Now that the recession is over, people are spending on all kinds of nonsense, I guess.

Via: Joystiq

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