White bags aren’t the first pick for many people. And I don’t completely disagree. They are very hard to keep clean. And even if you try, they lose their original sheen eventually. But a good bag is a good bag. One cannot deny that despite the high maintenance, white bags do look very classy and beautiful. So here is a gorgeous new white bag that looks great and helps you carry all your stuff too. And by all your stuff I really mean all your stuff. Cause this bag is called Leather Hold All and it’s designer is George Angelopoulos.
Retailing at $ 1276, this bag definitely aint cheap. But for those bag addicts, this is a pretty good buy. The styling is minimalist with two silver coloured hexagonal accents on both sides. The leather quality looks great and the leather handles and detachable shoulder strap caters to your style and convenience. The zipper closure on top makes sure that your stuff does not spill out.
The size of this bag seems just about right. Something bigger would have looked cumbersome and few would have been able to carry it off. So if you are one of those who like to carry a gargantuan amount of things with you everytime you step out into the sun, then this just might be your bag.
Via: Milletre