The USS Galileo Simulator Up for Sale

The USS Galileo, from Alpine School District’s Christa McAuliffe Space Education Center is a wonderful way to show how geeky you are. Now what is such a geeky thing doing on a luxury related blog? Well, I believe sometimes we all have dark desires that we do not necessarily admit in front of everyone.

One such could be to have a fortress of nerditude which is almost a space ship right in the living room. The USS Galileo simulator comes with stations, networking, speakers, a main viewscreen and all things that are futuristic. Apparently, it will cost anything more than $1000 so be ready to spend an amount much higher than that. I especially like the cool design and the quirky way in which it is built.

You could perhaps invite your friends over and take them on a journey through space right in the middle of your living room. I am sure the Simulator can also be used after a long booze party when the childhood desire of being an astronaut resurfaces under the influence of alcohol! SO go ahead and get this cool USS Galileo simulator. If I could, I would buy one.

Via: Uber Review

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