Skylon Takes You Zooming Into Space

If you wanted to fly in the most luxurious and sleek machine ever, you might just well be able to do that in a Skylon space plane. It has been designed by Reaction Engines. The space plane uses atmospheric oxygen to power itself and once it reaches space, it uses liquid oxygen and hydrogen fuel. These kinds of Spaceplanes remind me of the concept of space travel being commercialized. We have already seen how many people have already visited the Space Station which orbits the Earth.

However, it would be fun to cruise along the highways in space without any worries, and getting away from it all. I am sure it would cost a lot, but what the hell, who cares! Nobody would want to give up a chance like that and space travel is sooner or later deemed to be the way transportation is going to be in the future.

The company received an investment of 900,000 Pounds from the European Space Agency.

Via: Gizmodo

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