Seating nirvana: Back Stretching Massage Chair from Hammacher Schlemmer

There is absolutely nothing more important than finding the perfect seating option for your living room so that you can relax and rejuvenate after a long and exhausting day’s work. The Stretching Massage Chair from Hammacher Schlemmer is something that falls into exactly the above mentioned category- relaxing, rejuvenating and pampering your senses. At the touch of a button on it’s specially designed remote you can take it back by 90 degrees to offer a very comfortable seating position as you watch your favorite show. Then you can stretch it all the way back parallel to the ground so that your aching back receives a complete rest.

The chair uses Human Touch Technology, a mechanical massage technique endorsed by the World Federation of Chiropractic. The special technology uses four pronged massage rollers that give you the feeling of a masseur’s touch as they give you a gentle and comforting massage. Bringing a calming influence to your evenings, the chair can replicate the kneading, rolling, compression, and percussion techniques used by professional massage therapists.

Programmed to relieve your neck, shoulders, calves and feet of all the stress they have undergone the chair is a perfect holiday season gift that you can present to your body! Available in black, brown and cream, all that relief can be yours for $2000.

back stretching chair

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