Rolls Royce Celebrates the Centenary of Austrian Alpine Trials With a Bespoke Model

Rolls Royce had to go through a tough test before it earned the title of the Best Car in the World. It was the Austrian Alpine Trials undertaken in June exactly a hundred years ago. The car maker is celebrating the centenary of the test by developing an Alpine Trial Centenary Collection. It was the ultimate test of automotive endurance at the time. However it is a clear sign of the self confidence the car maker had in their cars even then that they entered the trial with four Silver Ghosts backed up by the Rolls Royce Works Team. They were also joined by a private entrant James Radley and they all successfully covered over 1,820 miles of tough mountain terrain.

The Topography of the Trial Route

A Private Entrant James Radley Participated in the Alpine Trials

The Alpine Trial Centenary Collection has been developed by the bespoke division and it is the first time that they are taking elements from a heritage model to create the bespoke model. It is but natural that the commemorative model will be inspired by the cars that participated in the trial run. In this case it is the Silver Ghost driven by private entrant James Radley that has worked as the muse for the designers. The bespoke model has similar baby-blue color paint with black grille and wheels. There are reminders of the trial in the interiors as well. The clock inside displays the stages of the rally and its timings. In fact the entire topography and distances of the Alpine route is expressed through inlays on the picnic tables and the front fascia.

Rolls-Royce Alpine Trial Centenary Collection

The Trial Will be Re-enacted With 40 Silver Ghosts Participating

The commemorative model of the car will be officially unveiled at the Shangahi Auto Show in China. The successful trials were a great moment in the car maker’s history and the bespoke model is a tribute to that historical moment. All the details in the bespoke model are well researched and handcrafted accurately. China has become a big market for high end customized cars and so it will be launched with great fanfare at the China Auto show. However, the carmaker will organize a re-enactment of the entire trial. This time it would not be just four Silver ghosts but forty of them traveling through Austria, Slovenia, Italy, and Croatia before returning to Vienna. The difference would be that this time it would not be an endurance test but a pleasant trip that will enable the entrants to absorb the scenic beauty of Europe.

Via: luxurylaunches

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