Rich, Successful Men Boost the Sales of Beautiful Designer Colorful Safes

You never know what will become fashionable next. Could you ever imagine that you would one day have designer safe and limited edition safe. Yes but a safe is the latest boys’ toy. It is becoming a must have household item for chaps. The safes used to always be grey and was never meant to be displayed. You either kept it in the cellar or hid it behind a painting. But the trend is changing. It has become a designer object in a variety of colors and can be displayed in the open to dazzle your friends.

Anthony Neary, the Managing Director of the Safe Shop, confirms the trend, “There has been a massive increase in sales.” He elaborated by saying that unlike the earlier trend of selling safes to businesses only they are able to now sell over 10,000 units a year to householders. The safe seems to have acquired a snob value. A duplex penthouse at No. 1 Hyde Park sold for £140 million recently and among its high end features was a lacquered Stockinger safe.

Stockinger has the same status amongst safes that Range Rover has amongst cars. Dominik Von Ribbentrop of Stockinger explained that their customer profile is of men over 40 who are self made, successful and rich. They have bought everything else and love the idea of a beautiful safe. The smallest Stockinger safe, which measures 18in lbh and weighs a quarter of a ton will cost you around £15,000. Whereas the bigger safes that are approximately the size of a fridge have a six figure price tag along with a delivery charge of £5,000.

Via: Telegraph

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