Put Your Beloved On Cloud Nine With The World’s Most Expensive Bouquet

Well, either the world is getting crazier day by day or there is just too much money flying around everywhere for someone to create a bouquet out of the currency of one of the richest countries in the world, Saudi Arabia, that incidentally happens to have a higher foreign exchange rate than most nations in the world. This one of a kind immensely bold project has been made entirely out of the currency of Saudi Arabia, Riyals and carries a huge price tag of a whopping $266,667, equivalent to one million Saudi Riyals.

It becomes really hard to say that, the economy is in shambles, especially when you have such an elegant and incredibly insane gift just waiting to be delivered to a luck receiver, who would not only be shocked out of her mind, but will also be a cool 200,000 grand richer. Imagine the look on he face when she opens the door and comes face to face with bouquet that, instead of red roses, is comprised of crisp and shining Saudi bills of 500, 100 and 50 Riyals amounting to an awesome one million riyals.

Is there anything better than the smell of more than $200,000 and that too wrapped in a bouquet, that would surely entice and enthrall the lovely lady and would most definitely make you the man of her dreams.

Via Chill Nite

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