A Private Pool in Every Apartment Has Become the Selling Point for Luxury Buildings

The developers of luxury apartment buildings are always trying to add or incorporate a feature or amenity that enhances the luxury quotient and acts as a differentiator. A private pool in every unit on every floor seems to have caught the fancy of high end developers. The latest project with this fancy feature is Bandra Ohm in Mumbai, India. It is being designed as a 30 stories structure with about 100 residential units. All the apartments in the proposed building will feature crescent-shaped pools on balconies enclosed in acrylic. The additional feature poses technical and structural challenges but the site work on the project is expected to begin later this year or early next year.
This pool in every apartment concept was first successfully launched in Kuala Lumpur at ONE KL which is a 35 story luxury building and was completed in 2009. The developers had promoted the project with the tagline“94 Apartments, 95 Swimming Pools.” In the Bahamas a condominium named Honeycomb with 34 residential units is being built and is expected to be ready sometime next year. Each unit boasts of a 70 square feet pool with a transparent edge, offering views of the marina and ocean. The architects and developers are trying to incorporate the outdoor spaces traditionally found in single family homes in residential high-rises. The balconies have become larger and now pools have moved into apartments. The advances in engineering and design as well as lightweight materials and waterproofing technology have given the confidence to builders to provide a pool in every unit on all the floors.

A Pool in Every Balcony in Bandra Ohm, Mumbai

A private pool definitely adds to the value of an apartment but the real estate industry as a whole is not convinced about the concept. Incorporating a pool in a high-rise adds about 20% to the cost because of the additional structural support it needs. Water is heavy and a leak could mean considerable headaches for the neighbors below and pose huge challenge to repair. However, the trend is catching on as improved technology is minimizing the risks involved. There are now 10 by 15 foot prefabricated pools made from stainless steel available for $100,000. It also features a Jacuzzi bubbles and a hydro massage bench. Developers are not only opting for it but positioning it as a major selling point.

Via: jameslawcybertecture wsj

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