Presenting The All New Digital Photo Frame Cum Scanner From Hammacher Schlemmer

The days of creating and maintaining the old photo albums are long gone and the traditional albums are now being fast replaced by digital photo albums. However, for many of us, it becomes a really tiresome task to take each image from our old albums, then scan them to a computer and finally make a transfer to the digital albums. However, the all new digital photo frame from Hammacher Schlemmer has been designed specifically to preserve out golden memories with absolute ease. The device has an in built scanner, that allows the users to simply put their images in the scanner and rest the machine will take care of.

The photo frame/scanner effortlessly converts the old conventional printed images to digital forms with an astounding color depth of 300-dpi in JPG format. The all new digital photo frame/scanner has been provided with a 1GB storage capacity, meaning that the device can easily store upto 3,000 images and the 8 inch LCD screen on the photo frame provides a viewing resolution of 800 x 600 in thumbnails, full-screen size and including slide shows. There is also the option of running MP3 tracks along with the slide shows along with a picture calendar, clock and supports MPEG video playback. The Hammacher Schlemmer photo frame/scanner can be purchased from their website and is available for $199.95.

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