Premium Aviation Company XOJET Offers High Speed Internet On Its Flights

There have always been restrictions about connecting to the Internet while flying mostly due to technical reasons and also for some quoted safety reasons.

If you hated the fact that you can’t check the latest forex rates, or communicate on LinkedIn with your business partners or future deal makers, you should consider flying on one of the planes unveiled by XOJET. They are right now the only private aviation fleet which offer high speed internet on all their flights. They not only offer you the convenience of being connected, but they also make sure that the pilots can stay in touch with the ground control in real time.

XOJET’s entire fleet of Challenger 300 and Citation X would be endowed with high speed Internet connections thanks to the collaboration with Aircell, a premium provider of airborne communications. It sure must be a great way to make sure that you are not only connected to the world, but also that you are safe while you are high up in the air. XOJET was founded in 2006, and has seen a phenomenal growth considering the fluctuating economy.

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