Portable Grapmophone Speakers Bring Back the nostalgia

There is something nostalgic and beautiful about Gramophones. Perhaps it is the retro chicness of the gadget that makes us want to buy those gramophones even if they are redundant now. During the times of war and calamity, it was the gramophone which kept people hoping for a better day and helped them live through the distress by providing entertainment and music.

Now, designer Pekka Salokannel from Finland has designed solar powered Gram Speakers, which look like gramophones bringing back memories of a bygone era. These speakers can be easily folded and kept inside pockets when not in use. When being used, it makes use of solar energy to charge itself ad provide awesome music quality.

They are extremely chic and come with the added advantage of being very portable. Alas, these speakers are not yet manufactured and are still in a conceptual stage. Nevertheless, you could go ahead and buy these when they are released.

V ia: DeisgnBoom

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