Oppo BDP-83 Costs Loads, Is Hardly Impressive

If you were planning to lay your hands on the efficient and reasonable Oppo BDP-83 player, it might be too late. The Oppo BDP-83 (priced at $500) is replaced by the new Lexicon BD-30 player having an exorbitant price of $3500.You must be expecting some new added features in the player, a multi disk exchanger or a gift hamper for that matter, sorry to put you down again, its the same old Oppo BDP-83 Blu-ray player with a new casing.

This extortionately priced player on being unbolted by the testers at Audioholics revealed that the old Oppo BDP-83 player has been stuck inside. This player is put together foolishly by the company to fool the customers in an effort to rake in the moolah.This has been trashed by everyone who is coming to know about the product. Not a single thing has been changed in the new Lexicon player, but the price! In fact, some reviewers have termed this product a “scam”!

I am sure if Oppo BDP-83 had belonged to a rival company then the Lexicon player would have faced the copyright charges. If you are an ardent admirer of the silver colour (the colour of its casing) then you have a reason to go for this new player, rest both the players are much of a “muchness”.

Via: Crunch Gear

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