Marriott International and Granite Broadway Announce Mega Luxury Hotel Project in New York City

According to the Marriott International and Granite Broadway Development, the construction project of a high rise sixty eight storey building will commence on the 54th street of Manhattan. The project includes 600 rooms, which would take more than a decade to complete. The project consists of a residential inn of 261 rooms and a courtyard of 378 rooms of Marriott hotel.

John Fox of a consulting company says that the combined hotels would be the tallest new Marrot building in New York which is exclusively for lodging. It would beat the Four Season Hotel in height, with thirty three properties. The chief officer of eastern region, David Marriott says that  Marriots would be the second  highest generator of revenues in New York, in the US  after Marriott Marquis who are the first revenue generator in the globe.

Granite Broadway Development claims to own five hotels of Marriot with three of them in New York City. Harry Gross says that he had planned to build Marriott hotel in 2005. But he did not show any interest to disclose the details of the project in an interview. The documents show that they have bought and acquired the rights of three lots.

Architect Nobutaka Ashihara shall design the tower, which will have the lobby, and the Residence Inn’s lobby would be in the third floor, and the fourth floor will have the Courtyard lobby.  Courtyard rooms starts from sixth floor through thirty two, while rooms of residence inn will start from thirty sixth floors through sixty four. Two independent hotels have their separate elevators. Bjorn Hanson revealed that the two Marriot hotels could reduce the annual expenditure by sharing facilities such as like housekeeping, marketing and fitness centre.

Via: NY Times

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