Luxurious Yacht Cools Its Heels with Aidan Barclay

Aidan Barclay is the son of British tycoon David Barclay. Like all rich kids, he has the whole world at his feet and what’s more, he even has the sea and the oceans at his command. The guy owns the luxury yacht Enigma which was earlier known as Eco & Katana. The yacht has a long and varied history ad was bought and sold by many people.

It was first owned by Larry Ellison and later a Mexican tycoon bought it. After moving several places and undergoing several technical and stylistic upgrades, it finally sits at the port of the Barclay’s and the lucky kid is enjoying himself all over the place. The yacht was built by Blohm & Voss and is now stationed at Sardinia, the lovely Italian island.


If you were planning to sail away in such a yacht, you perhaps be a billionaire just like Aidan’s father is. Imagine all the great parties one could have aboard this ship, and imagine the lavish balls! I am sure you would be dying to get on board this lovely yacht!


Via: Deluxe Blog

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