LG S-Class Mobile Interface Reveals New Technology

LG has just launched a new smartphone interface called the S-Class UI 3D Widget. The interface makes it easy for the user to experience a lot many things which were earlier not possible or not adequate enough. The idea is to replicate the mobile experience into a desktop one. The widget apparently is a desktop replica of the mobile UI and encourages open-mindedness in the user.

In fact, the S-Class UI 3D Widget is perhaps one of the very first attempts at embracing the power of Open API. It allows the user to use Heyzap, Youtube, Photobucket, Smugmug and other such services for free. This could perhaps become the new way of using smartphones as it lies between being a cell phone and a desktop.

Though the video is pretty clear, if you watch it, it is still a little hazy to know and understand. The widget is not only creative itself, but it also encourages creativity among users. LG has even won an award for the S-Class interface. It would be awesome for people who are into gaming and heavy usage of their smartphones.

Thank you Jorik Houweling

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