Japanese Restaurateur Dishes OUt the World’s Most Expensive Bowl of Ramen

How much would you be ready to spend on your Ramen noodles? $10? or $30? How about spending $110 just for a bowl of ramen? Well, a Japanese restaurateur has begun to dish out bowls of $100 ramen which is being touted as the Five-taste Blend Imperial Noodles. It is served at the Tokyo’s Fujimaki Gekijyo restaurant and comes with 25 years of the restaurateur’s experience.

It is being touted as the top ramen noodles in the world and comes with complex ingredients including top grade Chinese broths, spices, meats and vegetables. It is one of the most intriguing bowls of ramen you could have ever tasted, and I would not be surprised if people start visiting Japan just to have a bowl of this.

However, I still don’t think it is all that expensive, for in my own town there are places where you get a bowl of noodle soup for $50 to $60. I guess it all depends on how you look at it, for in Japan ramen is considered something that is eaten by the poorer folks. And to spend $110 on a bowl of ramen would be akin to something like spending $110 on a bland donut.

Via: Luxury Insider

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